Noisy pixels masking

Revision as of 15:22, 24 April 2024 by MarekL (talk | contribs)
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Method description


Implementation in Pixet C++ API

The function definition can be found below:

// Finds noisy pixels and it can optionally masked them. Designed for devices in environment WITHOUT radiation background.
// [in] deviceIndex - index of the device (indexing starting from 0)
// [in] limitNoisy - limit to mask noisy pixels. It goes from 1 to 1022, where 1 is the most strongest masking and 1022 is the weakest.
// [in] limitSatur - limit to mask saturated pixels. It goes from 0 to 100, where 0 is the most strongest masking and 100 is the weakest.
// [in] doMaskNoisyPixels - check to mask noisy pixels within the process. Default is false alias do not mask.
// [in] matrixSize - size of the matrix.
// [in/out] noisyPixelsMatrix - mask/positions of noisy pixels.
PXCAPI int pxcFindNoisyPixelsTpx3(unsigned deviceIndex, double limitNoisy = 50, double limitSatur = 50, bool doMaskNoisyPixels = false, 
                                unsigned* noisyPixelsMatrix = nullptr, unsigned matrixSize = 65536);

More detailed explanation of the individual parameters:

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