Noisy pixels masking
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The detector can be changed due to the environment conditions.
Method description
Two types of noisy pixels are defined: saturated and oscillating.
The saturated pixels
Implementation in Pixet C++ API
The function definition can be found below:
// Finds noisy pixels and it can optionally masked them. Designed for devices in environment WITHOUT radiation background.
// [in] deviceIndex - index of the device (indexing starting from 0)
// [in] limitNoisy - limit to mask noisy pixels. It goes from 1 to 1022, where 1 is the most strongest masking and 1022 is the weakest.
// [in] limitSatur - limit to mask saturated pixels. It goes from 0 to 100, where 0 is the most strongest masking and 100 is the weakest.
// [in] doMaskNoisyPixels - check to mask noisy pixels within the process. Default is false alias do not mask.
// [in] matrixSize - size of the matrix.
// [in/out] noisyPixelsMatrix - mask/positions of noisy pixels.
PXCAPI int pxcFindNoisyPixelsTpx3(unsigned deviceIndex, double limitNoisy = 50, double limitSatur = 50, bool doMaskNoisyPixels = false,
unsigned* noisyPixelsMatrix = nullptr, unsigned matrixSize = 65536);
More detailed explanation of the individual parameters influencing the masking performance can be fount in the list below:
- limitNoisy - asdasd
- limitSatur -
Example of usage:
#include "pxcapi.h"
#include <string>
int main()
int rc= 0;
rc = pxcInitialize();
// std::string devCofig = "/home/lukas/file/sw/pixet/src/pixet_noisy_pix/devel/MiniPIX-I08-W0060_2noisypix.xml";
// rc = pxcLoadDeviceConfiguration(0, devCofig.c_str());
double limitNoisy = 10;
double limitSatur = 50;
unsigned matrixSize = 65536;
unsigned int noisyPixelsMatrix[matrixSize];
rc = pxcFindNoisyPixelsTpx3(0, limitNoisy, limitSatur, true, noisyPixelsMatrix, matrixSize);
printf("Found noisy pixels\n");
for (int i = 0; i < matrixSize; ++i)
if(noisyPixelsMatrix[i] == 1)
printf("%d\t%d\n", i, noisyPixelsMatrix[i] );
printf("Additional frame measurement to check hit pixels\n");
double dataIToT[matrixSize];
unsigned short dataCount[matrixSize];
rc = pxcMeasureSingleFrameTpx3(0, 0.1, dataIToT, dataCount, &matrixSize, PXC_TRG_NO);
for (int i = 0; i < matrixSize; ++i)
if(dataIToT[i] >= 1 or dataCount[i] >= 1)
printf("%d\t%.0f\t%d\n",i, dataIToT[i], dataCount[i]);
printf("Additional measurement in data driven\n");
rc = pxcSetTimepix3Mode(0, PXC_TPX3_OPM_TOATOT);
rc = pxcMeasureTpx3DataDrivenMode(0, 1, "data.t3pa");
rc = pxcExit();