Binary Spectral Imaging API

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Under construction

  • Under construction
  • Under construction
  • Under construction
  • Under construction
  • Under construction


The SpectraImg is designed for easy working with an energy spectras. It can work with previous saved data using the pxpClReplayData or with physical device using the pxpClStartMeasurement. Measured data will be clusterized, clusters will be will be divided into the required number of channels. Next you can use some frame-generating functions and data will be filtered by applied criteria and converted to pixels on output images. Or use graph-generating functions to generate graphs.

The Spectral imaging API basic workflow

This API is defined in the spectraimgapi.h file.
Typical usage:

Measuring, processing and use of the processed data
1.a Load the Pixet core using pxpSiLoadPixetCore("pxcore.dll");
1.b Or normally start the application using the Pixet core API pxcInitialize function, get the core pointer using pxcGetIPixet(), set the core pointer to the SpectraImg API using pxpSiSetIPixet(iPixet);
2. Get the SpectraImg instance using pxpSiCreate(device_index);
3. Set-up the callbacks (not required).
4. Load device calibration (not required).
5. Set the measurement parameters using the pxpSiSetMeasParams.
6. Set the X-ray fluorescence compensation parameters (not required) pxpSiSetXrfCorrectionParams.
7.a Start the measurement using pxpSiStartMeasurement.
7.b Or replay old data using the pxpSiReplayData function.
8. Wait for measurement and processing is complete (and display the progress) using while-pxpSiIsRunning.
9. Use some get… method and use the processed data.
10. Deinitialize the Pixet core, if the pxcInitialize was used in step 1.

Using BSTG files to save processing time
1. After processing is complete (end of waiting steps above), use the pxpSiSaveToFile(handle, "file.bstg") method.
2. Anytime later use the pxpSiLoadFromFile(handle, "file.bstg").
3. Use the pxpSiGetMeasParams to evaluate measure settings or set it to your program variables or GUI
4. Continue using the data as it was processed. The program now is in the step 9 of the list above.

General functions

LoadPixetCore and UnloadPixetCore


Loads the pixet core library (pxcore.dll/so). When the measurement with a device is intented the user has to either load pixet core with this function, or if the core is already loaded in the application (pxcore.dll/so was loaded separatelly), the setIPixet function has to be called.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiLoadPixetCore(const char* pxCoreLibPath);


  • pxCoreLibPath – path to the pxcore library
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


int rc = pxpSiLoadPixetCore("pxcore.dll");
errorToList("pxpSiLoadPixetCore", rc);


Deinitializes ane unloads the Pixet core.
PXSIAPI void pxpSiUnloadPixetCore();


(no pars)
Return value

SetIPixet and GetIPixet


Sets the internal Pixet API pointer. This is used when pxcore library is loaded separatelly in application. The use must pointer obtained via function pxcGetIPixet and should not load the pixet core with pxpSiLoadPixetCore function.
PXSIAPI void pxpSiSetIPixet(void* pixet);


  • pixet – The iPixet pointer from the pxcGetIPixet() function of the pxcore API.
Return value


iPixet = pxcGetIPixet(); // Warning: Use the pxcGetIPixet from pxcapi.h,
                         // not pxpSIGetIPixet from spectraimgapi.h
if (iPixet==0) msgToList("pxcGetIPixet=NULL"); else msgToList("pxcGetIPixet OK");


Return internal Pixet structure pointer or 0 if not set.
Can be used if you want use functions of the pxcore API if the program was started using pxpSiLoadPixetCore.
PXSIAPI void* pxpSiGetIPixet();


(no pars)
Return value
internal Pixet structure pointer or 0 if failed


Do not confuse this with the pxcGetIPixet() function of the pxcore API.

Create and Free


PXSIAPI sihandle_t pxpSiLoadPixetCore(int deviceIndex=SI_NO_DEVICE);


  • deviceIndex – index of the device this SpectraImg instance will manage.
If used offline (pxcore library not loaded), use SI_NO_DEVICE. The measurement will be not possible. Only replaying of data.
Return value
the handle of newly create instance of Spectra Imaging, or SI_INVALID_HANDLE if error


If no device present, device with idx 0 is virtual file device. This is second way to offline use.


siHandle = pxpSiCreate(0);
if (siHandle==CL_INVALID_HANDLE) msgToList("pxpSiCreate INVALID");
else msgToList("pxpSiCreate OK");


Frees the created instance of SpectraImg.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiFree(sihandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.