Binary Spectral Imaging API: Difference between revisions

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= Under construction =
= Introduction =
* Under construction
The SpectraImg is designed for easy working with an energy spectras. It can work with previous saved data using the '''pxpClReplayData''' or with physical device using the '''pxpClStartMeasurement'''. Measured data will be clusterized, clusters will be will be divided into the required number of channels. Next you can use some frame-generating functions and data will be filtered by applied criteria and converted to pixels on output images. Or use graph-generating functions to generate graphs.<br>
* Under construction
* Under construction
[[File:SpectralImg-example.png|frame|none|alt=Spectral Imaging examles|Spectral Imaging examles]]<br>
* Under construction
* Under construction
= Requirements =
== Hardware ==
This API requires computer with x86 compatible architecture (ARM can be on request). And connected some Advacam hardware with imaging chip. Timepix3, Timepix, etc or without measuring hardware if offline processing used.

= Introduction =
== Software ==
The SpectraImg is designed for easy working with an energy spectras. It can work with previous saved data using the '''pxpClReplayData''' or with physical device using the '''pxpClStartMeasurement'''. Measured data will be clusterized, clusters will be will be divided into the required number of channels. Next you can use some frame-generating functions and data will be filtered by applied criteria and converted to pixels on output images. Or use graph-generating functions to generate graphs.
* 64bit Windows or Linux
* '''pxproc.dll''', '''spectraimgapi.h''' (part of Pixel processing API package - on demand)
: '''pxproc.lib''' (for linking only, Windows only)
* '''pxcore.dll''' (part of standard API package)
: '''pxcore.lib''' (for linking only, Windows only, only if the '''pxcInitialize'''+'''pxcGetIPixet''' initializing way used)
(on Linux equivalent SOs instead of DLLs)
* Other '''auxilliary files''':
** '''pixet.ini'''
** '''device config''' file(s) (both measuring or processing) or '''ABCT calibration files set''' (offline processing only)
** '''hwlibs''' and optional other device specific files (only for measuring)
::; See
::: '''[[Pixet_SDK#Auxilliary_files|Pixet SDK: Auxilliary files]]'''
::: '''[[Files and directories of the Pixet and SDK]]'''

= The Spectral imaging API basic workflow =
= The Spectral imaging API basic workflow =
Line 25: Line 39:
: 9. Use some get… method and use the processed data.
: 9. Use some get… method and use the processed data.
: 10. Deinitialize the Pixet core, if the '''pxcInitialize''' was used in step 1.
: 10. Deinitialize the Pixet core, if the '''pxcInitialize''' was used in step 1.
(For 1.a/b init ways see related Clustering API examples: '''[[Binary_Clustering_API#Initializing_using_the_pxpClLoadPixetCore|Binary Clustering API: Initializing using the pxpClLoadPixetCore]]''' and '''[[Binary_Clustering_API#Initializing_from_the_active_Pixet_core|Binary Clustering API: Initializing from the active Pixet_core]]''')<br>
[[File:SpectralImg-principe.png|frame|center|alt=What do the Spectral imaging|What do the Spectral imaging]]
; Using BSTG files to save processing time:
; Using BSTG files to save processing time:
: 1. After processing is complete (end of waiting steps above), use the pxpSiSaveToFile(handle, "file.bstg") method.
: 1. After processing is complete (end of waiting steps above), use the '''pxpSiSaveToFile'''(handle, "file.bstg") method.
: 2. Anytime later use the pxpSiLoadFromFile(handle, "file.bstg").
: 2. Anytime later use the '''pxpSiLoadFromFile'''(handle, "file.bstg").
: 3. Use the pxpSiGetMeasParams to evaluate measure settings or set it to your program variables or GUI
: 3. Use the '''pxpSiGetMeasParams''' to evaluate measure settings or set it to your program variables or GUI
: 4. Continue using the data as it was processed. The program now is in the step 9 of the list above.
: 4. Continue using the data as it was processed. The program now is in the step 9 of the list above.

Line 37: Line 54:
| Nam = pxpSiLoadPixetCore
| Nam = pxpSiLoadPixetCore
| HeSym = ===
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Loads the pixet core library (pxcore.dll/so). When the measurement with a device is intented the user has to either load pixet core with this function, or if the core is already loaded in the application (pxcore.dll/so was loaded separatelly), the setIPixet function has to be called.
| Sum = Loads the pixet core library (pxcore.dll/so). When the measurement with a device is intented the user has to either load pixet core with this function, or if the core is already loaded in the application (pxcore.dll/so was loaded separatelly), the '''pxpSiSetIPixet''' function has to be called.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = const char* pxCoreLibPath
| DefP = const char* pxCoreLibPath
Line 76: Line 93:

== SetIPixet and GetIPixet ==
== SetIPixet and GetIPixet ==
| Nam = pxpSiSetIPixet
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Sets the internal Pixet API pointer. This is used when pxcore library is loaded separatelly in application. The use must pointer obtained via function '''pxcGetIPixet''' and should not load the pixet core with '''pxpSiLoadPixetCore''' function.
| DefH = PXSIAPI void
| DefP = void* pixet
| pixet – The iPixet pointer from the '''[[Binary_core_API#pxcGetIPixet|pxcGetIPixet]]'''() function of the pxcore API.
| Ret = (void)
| Not =
| War =
| Exa = iPixet = pxcGetIPixet(); // Warning: Use the pxcGetIPixet from pxcapi.h,
                        // not pxpSIGetIPixet from spectraimgapi.h
if (iPixet==0) msgToList("pxcGetIPixet=NULL"); else msgToList("pxcGetIPixet OK");
| Nam = pxpSiGetIPixet
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Return internal Pixet structure pointer or 0 if not set.
: Can be used if you want use functions of the pxcore API if the program was started using pxpSiLoadPixetCore.
| DefH = PXSIAPI void*
| DefP =
| Ret = internal Pixet structure pointer or 0 if failed
| Not =
| War = Do not confuse this with the '''pxcGetIPixet'''() function of the pxcore API.
| Exa =
== Create and Free ==
| Nam = pxpSiLoadPixetCore
| HeSym = ===
| Sum =
| DefH = PXSIAPI sihandle_t
| DefP = int deviceIndex=SI_NO_DEVICE
| deviceIndex – index of the device this SpectraImg instance will manage.
: If used offline (pxcore library not loaded), use SI_NO_DEVICE. The measurement will be not possible. Only replaying of data.
| Ret = the handle of newly create instance of Spectra Imaging, or SI_INVALID_HANDLE if error
| Not = If no device present, device with idx 0 is virtual file device. This is second way to offline use.
| War =
| Exa = siHandle = pxpSiCreate(0);
if (siHandle==CL_INVALID_HANDLE) msgToList("pxpSiCreate INVALID");
else msgToList("pxpSiCreate OK");
| Nam = pxpSiFree
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Frees the created instance of SpectraImg.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = sihandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
== GetLastError ==
| Nam = pxpSiGetLastError
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Gets the last error message - when a function returns error code. Gets either global message when handle = 0, or message for the specific SpectraImg instance. You can use this function or the message callback.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, char* errorMsgBuffer, unsigned size
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| errorMsgBuffer – output buffer where the error message will be stored
| size – size of the supplied errorMsgBuffer
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =  // Using the pxpSiGetLastError in C++ CLR Windows app
const unsigned cErrBufSize = 512;
// primary use to show function name, return code, last error message
void errorToList(const char* fName, int rc) {
char errorMsg[cErrBufSize];
char cMsg[cErrBufSize];
pxpSiGetLastError(clHandle, errorMsg, cErrBufSize);
if (rc!=0) {
sprintf(cMsg, "%s %d err: %s", fName, rc, errorMsg);
} else {
sprintf(cMsg, "%s %d err: ---", fName, rc);
String^ sMsg = gcnew String(cMsg);
== Load calibration functions and test if calibration loaded ==
| Nam = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Loads the calibrations from the physically connected device. The device must support this feature. Minipix Tpx3 for example.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = sihandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromFiles
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Loads the calibration files (a,b,c,t files or a single xml device config file).
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = sihandle_t handle, const char* filePaths
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| filePaths – Path to the file(s), variants:
: The device xml config file
: The four ABCT text files separated by the {{!}} symbol.
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa = rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromFiles("mydetector.xml");
rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromFiles("calibA.txt{{!}}calibB.txt{{!}}calibC.txt{{!}}calibT.txt");
| Nam = pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Test if calibration is loaded.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = Returns > 0 is loaded, = 0 not loaded, < 0 error
| Not =
| War =
| Exa = int rc = pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded(si);
if (rc<0) {
    print("pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded: error %d", rc);
} else if (rc==0) {
    print("pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded: Not loaded - output will NOT be calibrated (raw ToT values)");
} else {
    print("pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded: Loaded - output data will be calibrated (keV)");
= The measurement, processing and related =
== SetMeasParams, GetMeasParams and SetXrfCorrectionParams ==
| Nam = pxpSiSetMeasParams
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Sets the parameters of the future measurement and processing
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, int spectFrom, int spectTo, double spectStep, bool maskNoisyPixels, bool doSubPixCorrection, bool correctXrf
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| spectFrom – minimal spectrum energy [keV]
| spectTo – maximal spectrum energy [keV]
| spectStep – Step width in the spectrum [keV] (float, but values significantly <1 may not work correctly).
| maskNoisyPixels – if measuring, periodically checks for noisy pixels and masks them
| doSubPixCorrection – if special filter should be applied to sub pixel images
| correctXrf – if the CdTe sensor internal fluorescence should be corected
: Enable (true) or disable (false) XRF correction. Detected XRF energy will replaced by 25 keV.
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa = // set-up future spectrum measuring or processing to:
// 500 to 1500 keV with steps 1.25, enable noisy masking and XRF correction
int rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(si, 500, 1500, 1.25, true, false, true);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);
| Nam = pxpSiGetMeasParams
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Reads the processing parameters of the data in the SpectraImg instance memory.
: (The parameters are pointers to output variables with the some meaning as the pxpSiSetMeasParams parameters)
: Usesfull after loading a BSTG file.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, int* spectFrom, int* spectTo, double* spectStep, bool* maskNoisyPixels, bool* doSubPixCorrection, bool* correctXrf
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| *spectFrom – pointer to store minimal spectrum energy [keV]
| *spectTo – pointer to store maximal spectrum energy [keV]
| *spectStep – pointer to store step width in the spectrum [keV] (float, but values significantly <1 may not work correctly).
| *maskNoisyPixels – pointer to store setting if measuring, periodically checks for noisy pixels and masks them
| *doSubPixCorrection – pointer to store setting if special filter should be applied to sub pixel images
| *correctXrf – pointer to store setting if the CdTe sensor internal fluorescence should be corected
: Enable (true) or disable (false) XRF correction. Detected XRF energy will replaced by 25 keV.
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiSetXrfCorrectionParams
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Sets the paramaters of the CdTe XRF correction in the future measurement and processing
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handlee, double minVol, double maxVol, double toaDiff, bool remove
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| minVol – minimal energy volume of event to be considered as XRF
| maxVol – maximal energy volume of event to be considered as XRF
| toaDiff – maximal toa difference between primary and secondary XRF event
| remove – if XRF events should be removed (true) or assigned to original event (false)
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
== StartMeasurement, ReplayData, IsRunning and Abort ==
| Nam = pxpSiStartMeasurement
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Starts measuremnt with the device for specified time and process the data. Only if the SI connected to the device. If calibration is loaded, energy values will be calibrated. Measurement works in the background. Use while-'''pxpSiIsRunning()''' to wait for end, if need it.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, double acqTime, double measTime, const char* outputFilePath, bool processData
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| acqTime – acquisition time of a single frame / pixel measurement in seconds.
: Primary for '''frame-based devices''' (Medipixes, Timepix, no Tpx3): This is single frame time. Use a short enough time to prevent clusters overlapping. Too short time can cause too many losses between frames.
: On '''data-driven devices''' (Timepix3, no Timepix), this is the ToA limit. After exceeds, ToA is resets and acqIndex in the internal callbacks is incremented. acqTime{{=}}measTime can be used.
| measTime – total time of measurement in seconds. Use 0 to endless measurement (progress will always 100%).
| outptuFilePath – output file where the process data (clusters) will be saved (*.clog). If saving not required, put "".
| processData – if the measured data should be processed online (clustering, filtering)
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa = // measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, process the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//  pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);
| Nam = pxpSiReplayData
| HeSym = ===
| Sum =
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath, const char* outputFilePath
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| filePath – full path to a data file to be replayed
| outptuFilePath – output file where the process data (clusters) will be saved (*.clog). If saving not required, put "".
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not = '''Clog files:''' For historical reasons, there are two CLOG formats. Tpx3 have one additional column. The pxpSiReplayData cannot replay CLOG form Tpx3. Use the T3PA instead the CLOG. The T3PA files can be generated by data-driven measuring in the pxcore API.
| War =
| Exa = //  replay data from a file
rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.t3pa", ""); // tpx3 version
//  pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.clog", ""); // tpx/mpx version
errorToList("pxpSiReplayData", rc);
| Nam = pxpSiIsRunning
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Test if the SI is running.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = Returns 1 if running, 0 = not running, < 0 error.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa = // Commandline app:
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) {
    // do something while measuring or replaying
// Windows app:
int rc = pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle);
if (rc>=0) labelStatus->Text = rc ? "Running..." : "(stopped)";
else errorToList("pxpSiIsRunning", rc);
| Nam = pxpSiAbort
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Aborts the measurement or replaying of the data.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
== BSTG files: pxpSiSaveToFile and pxpSiLoadFromFile ==
These functions allow you to save CPU time: Save the processed data with all settings and reuse it in future.
| Nam = pxpSiSaveToFile
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Saves the measurement, processing results and settings to a file
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| filePath – full path to a measurement will be saved (*.bstg)
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiLoadFromFile
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Loads the saved measurement including settings and processed data from a file
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| filePath – full path to the saved measurement file (*.bstg)
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
=== Loading BSTG and using the data example ===
<syntaxhighlight line lang=C>
int     rc;
int     spectFrom = -1;
int     spectTo = -1;
double spectStep = -1;
bool maskNoisyPixels, doSubPixCorrection, correctXrf;
double  *data;
size_t  w=256, h=256;
rc = pxpSiLoadFromFile(siHandle, "testfile.bstg");
errorToList("pxpSiLoadFromFile", rc);
rc = pxpSiGetMeasParams(siHandle, &spectFrom, &spectTo, &spectStep, &maskNoisyPixels, &doSubPixCorrection, &correctXrf);
errorToList("pxpSiGetMeasParams", rc);
msgToList(String::Format("From {0}, To {1}, Step {2}, Mask {3}, SubPix {4}, XRF {5}",
  spectFrom, spectTo, spectStep, maskNoisyPixels, doSubPixCorrection, correctXrf));
data = (unsigned*)malloc(w * h * sizeof(double));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }
// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(handle, energyIndex, sumFrame, normalize, zoom, frameData, w, h);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(siHandle, 1, false, false, false, data, &w, &h);
errorToList("pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }
// normalize data and show the image with caption (internal function of the example project)
viewFrame(data, String::Format("GetFrameForEnergy {0} keV", 40 + 1*20));
= The messages, progress and related =
== Related declarations ==
<syntaxhighlight line lang=C>
/// Callback for messages and error messages returned from the SDK
/// @param error - true if error message
/// @param message - text of the message
/// @param userData - data of the user that were set in set callback function
typedef void (*SiMessageCallback)(bool error, const char* message, void* userData);
/// Callback for progress of an operation
/// @param finished - true if operation finished
/// @param progress - percentage of progress 0 - 100
/// @param userData - data of the user that were set in set callback function
typedef void (*SiProgressCallback)(bool finished, double progress, void* userData);
; userData
: See [[Binary_core_API#pxcRegisterAcqEvent|Binary core API: pxcRegisterAcqEvent]]
== SetMessageCallback and SetProgressCallback ==
| Nam = pxpSiSetMessageCallback
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Callback for messages and error messages returned from the API.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, SiMessageCallback callback, void* userData
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| callback – The callback function. The SiMessageCallback is defined in the spectraimgapi.h.
| userData – A pointer to the user data that was set in the registration of the callback function. Useful if the callback is registered multiple times, for example.
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiSetProgressCallback
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Callback for progress of an operation. Occurs every 1 second while measuring or processing. If measuring and processing, occurs twice.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, SiProgressCallback callback, void* userData
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| callback – The callback function. The SiProgressCallback is defined in the spectraimgapi.h.
| userData – A pointer to the user data that was set in the registration of the callback function. Useful if the callback is registered multiple times, for example.
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
== ProcessedPixelsPerSecond and MeasuredPixelsPerSecond ==
| Nam = pxpSiMeasuredPixelsPerSecond
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Returns the number of measured pixels per seconds.
| DefH = PXSIAPI double
| DefP = clhandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = if positive, measured pixel count per second, if negative error code (SI_ERR_XXX)
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiProcessedPixelsPerSecond
| HeSym = ===
| Sum = Returns the number of processed pixels per seconds.
| DefH = PXSIAPI double
| DefP = clhandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = if positive, processed pixel count per second, if negative error code (SI_ERR_XXX)
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
=== Progress callback with px/sec example ===
<syntaxhighlight line lang=C>
void ProgressCallbackFn(bool finished, double progress, void* userData) {
char *fin = "(working)", *finF = "(finished)";
static int cnt = 0;
double mpps = pxpSiMeasuredPixelsPerSecond(siHandle);
double ppps = pxpSiProcessedPixelsPerSecond(siHandle);
if (finished) fin = finF;
sprintf(clbStatText, "Progress: %s, cnt %d, prog %.2f %%, measured: %.2f px/s, processed: %.2f px/s", fin, cnt, progress, mpps, ppps);
// acquisition and processing both generating this callback
// (double cnt per new percents while measuring, single while offline processing)
if (finished) {
cnt = 0; // This not occurs if error occured and process failed.
= Functions that using the output data =
| Nam = pxpSiSpectrumSize
| HeSym = ==
| Sum = Returns spectrum size
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| Ret = if positive, processed pixel count per second, if negative error code (SI_ERR_XXX)
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiSaveDataAsFramesToFile
| HeSym = ==
| Sum = Saves generated spectra images (for each energy) to frame files.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath, bool oneFile
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| fielPath – full path of a base file name.
: Each frame file will have and number suffix corresponding to the energy bin.
| oneFile – whether the images should be saved into a single multi frame file (*.pmf)
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiSaveDataAsSpectrumToFile
| HeSym = ==
| Sum = Saves generated spectra images as a list of spectra for each pixel (file with 65536 spectras at 65536 lines)
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| filePath – full path to the file where spectra will be saved
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy
| HeSym = ==
| Sum = Gets the data of the image (frame) for a selected energy index or sum image if selected.
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, unsigned energyIndex, bool sumFrame, bool normalize, int zoom, double* frameData, size_t* width, size_t* height
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| energyIndex – index of the energy bin to get the frame. If sum frame selected, this is ignored.
| sumFrame – if sum frame from all energy bins should be returned
| zoom – zoom factor (1, 2, or 3) for sub pixel frame. Only avaiable when sum frame is selected
| normalize – whether the image should be normalized by the spectrum
| frameData – buffer where the frame will be saved
| *width [in/out] – pointer to the width of the frame.<sup>*note</sup>
| *height [in/out] – pointer to the height of the frame.<sup>*note</sup>
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not = *Width and height are for energy bin frame and single detector = 256.
: If SumFrame used and with zoom factor, then 256 * 2^zoom.
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange
| HeSym = ==
| Sum = Gets the data of the image (frame) for a selected energy range (frame is sum of frames for each energy bin).
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, unsigned energyIndexFrom, unsigned energyIndexTo, bool normalize, double* frameData, size_t* width, size_t* height
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| energyIndexFrom – first energy index in the range
| energyIndexTo – last energy index in the range
| normalize – whether the image should be normalized by the spectrum
| *frameData – buffer where the frame will be saved
| *width [in/out] – pointer to the width of the frame.<sup>*note</sup>
| *height [in/out] – pointer to the height of the frame.<sup>*note</sup>
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not = *Width and height are for energy bin frame and single detector = 256.
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum
| HeSym = ==
| Sum = Gets the global energy spectrum
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, unsigned* data, double* step, size_t* size
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| *data – data buffer where the spectrum will be stored
| *step [out] – pointer to store step of the spectra
| *size [in/out] – pointer to the size of the supplied buffer.
: If buffer size doesn't match error occurs and size will contain correct size.
: Correct spectrum size can be obtained via '''pxpSiSpectrumSize''' function.
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
| Nam = pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrumInRect
| HeSym = ==
| Sum = Gets the global energy spectrum in selected frame rectangle. Pixel pos. conditions are <= and >=
| DefH = PXSIAPI int
| DefP = clhandle_t handle, unsigned x1, unsigned y1, unsigned x2, unsigned y2, unsigned* data, double* step, size_t* size
| handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
| x1 – left coordinate of the rectangle
| y1 – top coordinate of the rectangle
| x2 – right coordinate of the rectangle
| y2 – bottom coordinate of the rectangle
| *data – data buffer where the spectrum will be stored
| *step [out] – pointer to store step of the spectra
| *size [in/out] – pointer to the size of the supplied buffer.
: If buffer size doesn't match error occurs and size will contain correct size.
: Correct spectrum size can be obtained via '''pxpSiSpectrumSize''' function.
| Ret = 0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.
| Not =
| War =
| Exa =
= Examples =
This chapter containing parts of example project SpectraImg from the AdvacamAPIexamples collection.<br>
; Download the AdvacamAPIexamples package:
: (MS Visual Studio 2017 Solution with C++ projects of Windows CLR programs)
; Note: To understand 2 initializing ways you can see the Clustering initialization examples:
:: [[Binary_Clustering_API#Initializing_using_the_pxpClLoadPixetCore|Binary Clustering API: Initializing using the pxpClLoadPixetCore]]
:: [[Binary_Clustering_API#Initializing_from_the_active_Pixet_core|Binary Clustering API: Initializing from the active Pixet core]]
[[File:SpectraImg1-screenshot.png|frame|center|alt=The SpectraImg examples screenshot|The SpectraImg examples screenshot]]
== Simple measuring and show the spectrum ==
<syntaxhighlight line lang=C>
int rc;
size_t spSiz;
unsigned *data;
rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice(siHandle);
errorToList("pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice", rc)
if (rc!=0) msgToList("Calibration failed! - ToT counts will be instead of energies");
// from 40, to 4040, step 20 keV, mask noisy pixels ON, subpix corr in sum OFF, XRF corr OFF
rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(siHandle, 40, 4040, 20, true, false, false);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);
// measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, proces the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//  pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);
// wait for measure complete
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(100);
// number of elements in the spectrum = (4040-40)/20 in this example
spSiz = pxpSiSpectrumSize(siHandle);
if (spSiz>=0) msgToList("pxpSiSpectrumSize: "+ spSiz.ToString());
else { errorToList("pxpSiSpectrumSize", spSiz); return; }
data = (unsigned*)malloc(spSiz * sizeof(unsigned));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }
// get the spectrum to the "data" array
rc = pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum(siHandle, data, &spectStep, &spSiz);
errorToList("pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }
// show the graph (internal function of the example project)
graph(data, spSiz, gcnew Pen(Color::Black, 3.0), GRAPH_clear);
== Measuring (replay) and getFrameForEnergy ==
<syntaxhighlight line lang=C>
int rc;
size_t w=256, h=256;
double *data;
rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice(siHandle);
errorToList("pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice", rc)
if (rc!=0) msgToList("Calibration failed! - ToT counts will be instead of energies");
// from 40, to 4040, step 20 keV, mask noisy pixels ON, subpix corr in sum OFF, XRF corr OFF
rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(siHandle, 40, 4040, 20, true, false, false);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);
// measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, proces the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//  pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);
// replay data from file – alternative to pxpSiStartMeasurement
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.t3pa", ""); // tpx3 version
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.clog", ""); // tpx/mpx version
// errorToList("pxpSiReplayData", rc);
// wait for measure complete
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(100);
data = (unsigned*)malloc(w * h * sizeof(double));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }
// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(handle, energyIndex, sumFrame, normalize, zoom, frameData, w, h);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(siHandle, 1, false, false, false, data, &w, &h);
errorToList("pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }
// normalize data and show the image with caption (internal function of the example project)
viewFrame(data, String::Format("GetFrameForEnergy {0} keV", 40 + 1*20));
== Measuring (replay) and getFrameForEnergyRange ==
<syntaxhighlight line lang=C>
int rc;
size_t w=256, h=256;
double *data;
rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice(siHandle);
errorToList("pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice", rc)
if (rc!=0) msgToList("Calibration failed! - ToT counts will be instead of energies");
// from 40, to 4040, step 20 keV, mask noisy pixels ON, subpix corr in sum OFF, XRF corr OFF
rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(siHandle, 40, 4040, 20, true, false, false);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);
// measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, proces the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//  pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);
// replay data from file alternative
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.t3pa", ""); // tpx3 version
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.clog", ""); // tpx/mpx version
// errorToList("pxpSiReplayData", rc);
// wait for measure complete
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(100);
data = (unsigned*)malloc(w * h * sizeof(double));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }
// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(handle, energyIndex, sumFrame, normalize, zoom, frameData, w, h);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(siHandle, 1, false, false, false, data, &w, &h);
// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange(handle, From, To, normalize, frameData, width, height);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange(siHandle, 100, 120, false, data, &w, &h);
errorToList("pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }
// normalize data and show the image with caption (internal function of the example project)
viewFrame(data, String::Format("GetFrameForEnergyRange {0}-{1} keV", 40 + 100*20, 40 + 120*20));
== Example results (getFrameForEnergyRange to RGB) ==
<sup>241</sup>Am from smoke detector, located 3 mm above the chip, MinipixTpx3, CdTe 2 mm, acq. time 45 seconds.
Settings used:
<syntaxhighlight lang=C>
pxpSiSetMeasParams(0, 5120, 20, 1, 0, 0) //(from, to, step, maskNP, doSPC, XRF)
* Each RGB color channel in images was generated from sum of 5 energy ranges (100 keV), using the '''pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange''' method, log2(val+0.5) applied and normalized to 0-255. Order is blue-green-red.
* The blue at the first image is gamma byproduct 59.5 keV and noise in the first band. The images with MeV ranges shows a 5.48 MeV alpha particles attenuated in air.
* Summary frame shows all hits in the set range. It was get using the '''pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy''' method with sumFrame=true.
* A “scrathes” on the picture: SpectraImg is very sensitive to small differences in px sensitivity.
* The spectrum on last image was get using the '''pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum''' method and processed like as pixels data, include using log2. A gaps on the right are caused by no hits.<br>
[[File:Py-sdk-spectraimg.png|frame|center|alt=The SpectraImg examples results|The SpectraImg examples results]]
; Note
: The images collection are from the [[Python_API#Examples|Python API commandline examples]]
: A different imaging method is used here, where three adjacent energy ranges are converted to RGB image channels.
= Related =
* [[Pixet_SDK|Pixet SDK]]
* [[Files and directories of the Pixet and SDK#Main directory of the API-using programs, independent on the Pixet|Files and directories: Main directory of the API-using programs]]

Latest revision as of 12:53, 4 January 2024


The SpectraImg is designed for easy working with an energy spectras. It can work with previous saved data using the pxpClReplayData or with physical device using the pxpClStartMeasurement. Measured data will be clusterized, clusters will be will be divided into the required number of channels. Next you can use some frame-generating functions and data will be filtered by applied criteria and converted to pixels on output images. Or use graph-generating functions to generate graphs.

Spectral Imaging examles
Spectral Imaging examles



This API requires computer with x86 compatible architecture (ARM can be on request). And connected some Advacam hardware with imaging chip. Timepix3, Timepix, etc or without measuring hardware if offline processing used.


  • 64bit Windows or Linux
  • pxproc.dll, spectraimgapi.h (part of Pixel processing API package - on demand)
pxproc.lib (for linking only, Windows only)
  • pxcore.dll (part of standard API package)
pxcore.lib (for linking only, Windows only, only if the pxcInitialize+pxcGetIPixet initializing way used)

(on Linux equivalent SOs instead of DLLs)

  • Other auxilliary files:
    • pixet.ini
    • device config file(s) (both measuring or processing) or ABCT calibration files set (offline processing only)
    • hwlibs and optional other device specific files (only for measuring)
Pixet SDK: Auxilliary files
Files and directories of the Pixet and SDK

The Spectral imaging API basic workflow

This API is defined in the spectraimgapi.h file.
Typical usage:

Measuring, processing and use of the processed data
1.a Load the Pixet core using pxpSiLoadPixetCore("pxcore.dll");
1.b Or normally start the application using the Pixet core API pxcInitialize function, get the core pointer using pxcGetIPixet(), set the core pointer to the SpectraImg API using pxpSiSetIPixet(iPixet);
2. Get the SpectraImg instance using pxpSiCreate(device_index);
3. Set-up the callbacks (not required).
4. Load device calibration (not required).
5. Set the measurement parameters using the pxpSiSetMeasParams.
6. Set the X-ray fluorescence compensation parameters (not required) pxpSiSetXrfCorrectionParams.
7.a Start the measurement using pxpSiStartMeasurement.
7.b Or replay old data using the pxpSiReplayData function.
8. Wait for measurement and processing is complete (and display the progress) using while-pxpSiIsRunning.
9. Use some get… method and use the processed data.
10. Deinitialize the Pixet core, if the pxcInitialize was used in step 1.

(For 1.a/b init ways see related Clustering API examples: Binary Clustering API: Initializing using the pxpClLoadPixetCore and Binary Clustering API: Initializing from the active Pixet_core)

What do the Spectral imaging
What do the Spectral imaging

Using BSTG files to save processing time
1. After processing is complete (end of waiting steps above), use the pxpSiSaveToFile(handle, "file.bstg") method.
2. Anytime later use the pxpSiLoadFromFile(handle, "file.bstg").
3. Use the pxpSiGetMeasParams to evaluate measure settings or set it to your program variables or GUI
4. Continue using the data as it was processed. The program now is in the step 9 of the list above.

General functions

LoadPixetCore and UnloadPixetCore


Loads the pixet core library (pxcore.dll/so). When the measurement with a device is intented the user has to either load pixet core with this function, or if the core is already loaded in the application (pxcore.dll/so was loaded separatelly), the pxpSiSetIPixet function has to be called.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiLoadPixetCore(const char* pxCoreLibPath);


  • pxCoreLibPath – path to the pxcore library
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


int rc = pxpSiLoadPixetCore("pxcore.dll");
errorToList("pxpSiLoadPixetCore", rc);


Deinitializes ane unloads the Pixet core.
PXSIAPI void pxpSiUnloadPixetCore();


(no pars)
Return value

SetIPixet and GetIPixet


Sets the internal Pixet API pointer. This is used when pxcore library is loaded separatelly in application. The use must pointer obtained via function pxcGetIPixet and should not load the pixet core with pxpSiLoadPixetCore function.
PXSIAPI void pxpSiSetIPixet(void* pixet);


  • pixet – The iPixet pointer from the pxcGetIPixet() function of the pxcore API.
Return value


iPixet = pxcGetIPixet(); // Warning: Use the pxcGetIPixet from pxcapi.h,
                         // not pxpSIGetIPixet from spectraimgapi.h
if (iPixet==0) msgToList("pxcGetIPixet=NULL"); else msgToList("pxcGetIPixet OK");


Return internal Pixet structure pointer or 0 if not set.
Can be used if you want use functions of the pxcore API if the program was started using pxpSiLoadPixetCore.
PXSIAPI void* pxpSiGetIPixet();


(no pars)
Return value
internal Pixet structure pointer or 0 if failed


Do not confuse this with the pxcGetIPixet() function of the pxcore API.

Create and Free


PXSIAPI sihandle_t pxpSiLoadPixetCore(int deviceIndex=SI_NO_DEVICE);


  • deviceIndex – index of the device this SpectraImg instance will manage.
If used offline (pxcore library not loaded), use SI_NO_DEVICE. The measurement will be not possible. Only replaying of data.
Return value
the handle of newly create instance of Spectra Imaging, or SI_INVALID_HANDLE if error


If no device present, device with idx 0 is virtual file device. This is second way to offline use.


siHandle = pxpSiCreate(0);
if (siHandle==CL_INVALID_HANDLE) msgToList("pxpSiCreate INVALID");
else msgToList("pxpSiCreate OK");


Frees the created instance of SpectraImg.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiFree(sihandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.



Gets the last error message - when a function returns error code. Gets either global message when handle = 0, or message for the specific SpectraImg instance. You can use this function or the message callback.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiGetLastError(clhandle_t handle, char* errorMsgBuffer, unsigned size);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • errorMsgBuffer – output buffer where the error message will be stored
  • size – size of the supplied errorMsgBuffer
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


// Using the pxpSiGetLastError in C++ CLR Windows app
const unsigned	cErrBufSize = 512;
// primary use to show function name, return code, last error message
void errorToList(const char* fName, int rc) {
	char errorMsg[cErrBufSize];
	char cMsg[cErrBufSize];
	pxpSiGetLastError(clHandle, errorMsg, cErrBufSize);
	if (rc!=0) {
		sprintf(cMsg, "%s %d err: %s", fName, rc, errorMsg);
	} else {
		sprintf(cMsg, "%s %d err: ---", fName, rc);
	String^ sMsg = gcnew String(cMsg);

Load calibration functions and test if calibration loaded


Loads the calibrations from the physically connected device. The device must support this feature. Minipix Tpx3 for example.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice(sihandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Loads the calibration files (a,b,c,t files or a single xml device config file).
PXSIAPI int pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromFiles(sihandle_t handle, const char* filePaths);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • filePaths – Path to the file(s), variants:
The device xml config file
The four ABCT text files separated by the | symbol.
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromFiles("mydetector.xml");
rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromFiles("calibA.txt|calibB.txt|calibC.txt|calibT.txt");


Test if calibration is loaded.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded(clhandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
Returns > 0 is loaded, = 0 not loaded, < 0 error


int rc = pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded(si);
if (rc<0) {
    print("pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded: error %d", rc);
} else if (rc==0) {
    print("pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded: Not loaded - output will NOT be calibrated (raw ToT values)");
} else {
    print("pxpSiIsCalibrationLoaded: Loaded - output data will be calibrated (keV)");

The measurement, processing and related

SetMeasParams, GetMeasParams and SetXrfCorrectionParams


Sets the parameters of the future measurement and processing
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSetMeasParams(clhandle_t handle, int spectFrom, int spectTo, double spectStep, bool maskNoisyPixels, bool doSubPixCorrection, bool correctXrf);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • spectFrom – minimal spectrum energy [keV]
  • spectTo – maximal spectrum energy [keV]
  • spectStep – Step width in the spectrum [keV] (float, but values significantly <1 may not work correctly).
  • maskNoisyPixels – if measuring, periodically checks for noisy pixels and masks them
  • doSubPixCorrection – if special filter should be applied to sub pixel images
  • correctXrf – if the CdTe sensor internal fluorescence should be corected
Enable (true) or disable (false) XRF correction. Detected XRF energy will replaced by 25 keV.
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


// set-up future spectrum measuring or processing to:
// 500 to 1500 keV with steps 1.25, enable noisy masking and XRF correction
int rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(si, 500, 1500, 1.25, true, false, true);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);


Reads the processing parameters of the data in the SpectraImg instance memory.
(The parameters are pointers to output variables with the some meaning as the pxpSiSetMeasParams parameters)
Usesfull after loading a BSTG file.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiGetMeasParams(clhandle_t handle, int* spectFrom, int* spectTo, double* spectStep, bool* maskNoisyPixels, bool* doSubPixCorrection, bool* correctXrf);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • *spectFrom – pointer to store minimal spectrum energy [keV]
  • *spectTo – pointer to store maximal spectrum energy [keV]
  • *spectStep – pointer to store step width in the spectrum [keV] (float, but values significantly <1 may not work correctly).
  • *maskNoisyPixels – pointer to store setting if measuring, periodically checks for noisy pixels and masks them
  • *doSubPixCorrection – pointer to store setting if special filter should be applied to sub pixel images
  • *correctXrf – pointer to store setting if the CdTe sensor internal fluorescence should be corected
Enable (true) or disable (false) XRF correction. Detected XRF energy will replaced by 25 keV.
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Sets the paramaters of the CdTe XRF correction in the future measurement and processing
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSetXrfCorrectionParams(clhandle_t handlee, double minVol, double maxVol, double toaDiff, bool remove);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • minVol – minimal energy volume of event to be considered as XRF
  • maxVol – maximal energy volume of event to be considered as XRF
  • toaDiff – maximal toa difference between primary and secondary XRF event
  • remove – if XRF events should be removed (true) or assigned to original event (false)
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.

StartMeasurement, ReplayData, IsRunning and Abort


Starts measuremnt with the device for specified time and process the data. Only if the SI connected to the device. If calibration is loaded, energy values will be calibrated. Measurement works in the background. Use while-pxpSiIsRunning() to wait for end, if need it.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiStartMeasurement(clhandle_t handle, double acqTime, double measTime, const char* outputFilePath, bool processData);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • acqTime – acquisition time of a single frame / pixel measurement in seconds.
Primary for frame-based devices (Medipixes, Timepix, no Tpx3): This is single frame time. Use a short enough time to prevent clusters overlapping. Too short time can cause too many losses between frames.
On data-driven devices (Timepix3, no Timepix), this is the ToA limit. After exceeds, ToA is resets and acqIndex in the internal callbacks is incremented. acqTime=measTime can be used.
  • measTime – total time of measurement in seconds. Use 0 to endless measurement (progress will always 100%).
  • outptuFilePath – output file where the process data (clusters) will be saved (*.clog). If saving not required, put "".
  • processData – if the measured data should be processed online (clustering, filtering)
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


// measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, process the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//   pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);


PXSIAPI int pxpSiReplayData(clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath, const char* outputFilePath);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • filePath – full path to a data file to be replayed
  • outptuFilePath – output file where the process data (clusters) will be saved (*.clog). If saving not required, put "".
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Clog files: For historical reasons, there are two CLOG formats. Tpx3 have one additional column. The pxpSiReplayData cannot replay CLOG form Tpx3. Use the T3PA instead the CLOG. The T3PA files can be generated by data-driven measuring in the pxcore API.


//   replay data from a file
rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.t3pa", ""); // tpx3 version
//   pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.clog", ""); // tpx/mpx version
errorToList("pxpSiReplayData", rc);


Test if the SI is running.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiIsRunning(clhandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
Returns 1 if running, 0 = not running, < 0 error.


// Commandline app:
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) {
    // do something while measuring or replaying

// Windows app:
int rc = pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle);
if (rc>=0) labelStatus->Text = rc ? "Running..." : "(stopped)";
else errorToList("pxpSiIsRunning", rc);


Aborts the measurement or replaying of the data.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiAbort(clhandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.

BSTG files: pxpSiSaveToFile and pxpSiLoadFromFile

These functions allow you to save CPU time: Save the processed data with all settings and reuse it in future.


Saves the measurement, processing results and settings to a file
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSaveToFile(clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • filePath – full path to a measurement will be saved (*.bstg)
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Loads the saved measurement including settings and processed data from a file
PXSIAPI int pxpSiLoadFromFile(clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • filePath – full path to the saved measurement file (*.bstg)
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.

Loading BSTG and using the data example

int	    rc;
int	    spectFrom = -1;
int	    spectTo = -1;
double	spectStep = -1;
bool	maskNoisyPixels, doSubPixCorrection, correctXrf;
double  *data;
size_t  w=256, h=256;

rc = pxpSiLoadFromFile(siHandle, "testfile.bstg");
errorToList("pxpSiLoadFromFile", rc);

rc = pxpSiGetMeasParams(siHandle, &spectFrom, &spectTo, &spectStep, &maskNoisyPixels, &doSubPixCorrection, &correctXrf);
errorToList("pxpSiGetMeasParams", rc);

msgToList(String::Format("From {0}, To {1}, Step {2}, Mask {3}, SubPix {4}, XRF {5}",
  spectFrom, spectTo, spectStep, maskNoisyPixels, doSubPixCorrection, correctXrf));

data = (unsigned*)malloc(w * h * sizeof(double));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }

// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(handle, energyIndex, sumFrame, normalize, zoom, frameData, w, h);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(siHandle, 1, false, false, false, data, &w, &h);
errorToList("pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }

// normalize data and show the image with caption (internal function of the example project)
viewFrame(data, String::Format("GetFrameForEnergy {0} keV", 40 + 1*20)); 

The messages, progress and related

Related declarations

/// Callback for messages and error messages returned from the SDK
/// @param error - true if error message
/// @param message - text of the message
/// @param userData - data of the user that were set in set callback function
typedef void (*SiMessageCallback)(bool error, const char* message, void* userData);

/// Callback for progress of an operation
/// @param finished - true if operation finished
/// @param progress - percentage of progress 0 - 100
/// @param userData - data of the user that were set in set callback function
typedef void (*SiProgressCallback)(bool finished, double progress, void* userData);
See Binary core API: pxcRegisterAcqEvent

SetMessageCallback and SetProgressCallback


Callback for messages and error messages returned from the API.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSetMessageCallback(clhandle_t handle, SiMessageCallback callback, void* userData);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • callback – The callback function. The SiMessageCallback is defined in the spectraimgapi.h.
  • userData – A pointer to the user data that was set in the registration of the callback function. Useful if the callback is registered multiple times, for example.
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Callback for progress of an operation. Occurs every 1 second while measuring or processing. If measuring and processing, occurs twice.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSetProgressCallback(clhandle_t handle, SiProgressCallback callback, void* userData);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • callback – The callback function. The SiProgressCallback is defined in the spectraimgapi.h.
  • userData – A pointer to the user data that was set in the registration of the callback function. Useful if the callback is registered multiple times, for example.
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.

ProcessedPixelsPerSecond and MeasuredPixelsPerSecond


Returns the number of measured pixels per seconds.
PXSIAPI double pxpSiMeasuredPixelsPerSecond(clhandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
if positive, measured pixel count per second, if negative error code (SI_ERR_XXX)


Returns the number of processed pixels per seconds.
PXSIAPI double pxpSiProcessedPixelsPerSecond(clhandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
if positive, processed pixel count per second, if negative error code (SI_ERR_XXX)

Progress callback with px/sec example

void ProgressCallbackFn(bool finished, double progress, void* userData) {
	char *fin = "(working)", *finF = "(finished)";
	static int cnt = 0;

	double mpps = pxpSiMeasuredPixelsPerSecond(siHandle);
	double ppps = pxpSiProcessedPixelsPerSecond(siHandle);
	if (finished) fin = finF;
	sprintf(clbStatText, "Progress: %s, cnt %d, prog %.2f %%, measured: %.2f px/s, processed: %.2f px/s", fin, cnt, progress, mpps, ppps);
	// acquisition and processing both generating this callback
	// (double cnt per new percents while measuring, single while offline processing)
	if (finished) {
		cnt = 0; // This not occurs if error occured and process failed.

Functions that using the output data


Returns spectrum size
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSpectrumSize(clhandle_t handle);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
Return value
if positive, processed pixel count per second, if negative error code (SI_ERR_XXX)


Saves generated spectra images (for each energy) to frame files.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSaveDataAsFramesToFile(clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath, bool oneFile);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • fielPath – full path of a base file name.
Each frame file will have and number suffix corresponding to the energy bin.
  • oneFile – whether the images should be saved into a single multi frame file (*.pmf)
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Saves generated spectra images as a list of spectra for each pixel (file with 65536 spectras at 65536 lines)
PXSIAPI int pxpSiSaveDataAsSpectrumToFile(clhandle_t handle, const char* filePath);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • filePath – full path to the file where spectra will be saved
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Gets the data of the image (frame) for a selected energy index or sum image if selected.
PXSIAPI int pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(clhandle_t handle, unsigned energyIndex, bool sumFrame, bool normalize, int zoom, double* frameData, size_t* width, size_t* height);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • energyIndex – index of the energy bin to get the frame. If sum frame selected, this is ignored.
  • sumFrame – if sum frame from all energy bins should be returned
  • zoom – zoom factor (1, 2, or 3) for sub pixel frame. Only avaiable when sum frame is selected
  • normalize – whether the image should be normalized by the spectrum
  • frameData – buffer where the frame will be saved
  • *width [in/out] – pointer to the width of the frame.*note
  • *height [in/out] – pointer to the height of the frame.*note
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


*Width and height are for energy bin frame and single detector = 256.
If SumFrame used and with zoom factor, then 256 * 2^zoom.


Gets the data of the image (frame) for a selected energy range (frame is sum of frames for each energy bin).
PXSIAPI int pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange(clhandle_t handle, unsigned energyIndexFrom, unsigned energyIndexTo, bool normalize, double* frameData, size_t* width, size_t* height);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • energyIndexFrom – first energy index in the range
  • energyIndexTo – last energy index in the range
  • normalize – whether the image should be normalized by the spectrum
  • *frameData – buffer where the frame will be saved
  • *width [in/out] – pointer to the width of the frame.*note
  • *height [in/out] – pointer to the height of the frame.*note
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


*Width and height are for energy bin frame and single detector = 256.


Gets the global energy spectrum
PXSIAPI int pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum(clhandle_t handle, unsigned* data, double* step, size_t* size);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • *data – data buffer where the spectrum will be stored
  • *step [out] – pointer to store step of the spectra
  • *size [in/out] – pointer to the size of the supplied buffer.
If buffer size doesn't match error occurs and size will contain correct size.
Correct spectrum size can be obtained via pxpSiSpectrumSize function.
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


Gets the global energy spectrum in selected frame rectangle. Pixel pos. conditions are <= and >=
PXSIAPI int pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrumInRect(clhandle_t handle, unsigned x1, unsigned y1, unsigned x2, unsigned y2, unsigned* data, double* step, size_t* size);


  • handle – SpectraImg handle received from function pxpSiCreate
  • x1 – left coordinate of the rectangle
  • y1 – top coordinate of the rectangle
  • x2 – right coordinate of the rectangle
  • y2 – bottom coordinate of the rectangle
  • *data – data buffer where the spectrum will be stored
  • *step [out] – pointer to store step of the spectra
  • *size [in/out] – pointer to the size of the supplied buffer.
If buffer size doesn't match error occurs and size will contain correct size.
Correct spectrum size can be obtained via pxpSiSpectrumSize function.
Return value
0 if successful, otherwise the return value is a SI_ERR_XXX code.


This chapter containing parts of example project SpectraImg from the AdvacamAPIexamples collection.

Download the AdvacamAPIexamples package
(MS Visual Studio 2017 Solution with C++ projects of Windows CLR programs)

To understand 2 initializing ways you can see the Clustering initialization examples:
Binary Clustering API: Initializing using the pxpClLoadPixetCore
Binary Clustering API: Initializing from the active Pixet core

The SpectraImg examples screenshot
The SpectraImg examples screenshot

Simple measuring and show the spectrum

int rc;
size_t spSiz;
unsigned *data;

rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice(siHandle);
errorToList("pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice", rc)
if (rc!=0) msgToList("Calibration failed! - ToT counts will be instead of energies");

// from 40, to 4040, step 20 keV, mask noisy pixels ON, subpix corr in sum OFF, XRF corr OFF
rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(siHandle, 40, 4040, 20, true, false, false);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);

// measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, proces the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//   pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);

// wait for measure complete
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(100);

// number of elements in the spectrum = (4040-40)/20 in this example
spSiz = pxpSiSpectrumSize(siHandle);
if (spSiz>=0) msgToList("pxpSiSpectrumSize: "+ spSiz.ToString());
else { errorToList("pxpSiSpectrumSize", spSiz); return; }

data = (unsigned*)malloc(spSiz * sizeof(unsigned));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }

// get the spectrum to the "data" array
rc = pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum(siHandle, data, &spectStep, &spSiz);
errorToList("pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }

// show the graph (internal function of the example project)
graph(data, spSiz, gcnew Pen(Color::Black, 3.0), GRAPH_clear);

Measuring (replay) and getFrameForEnergy

int rc;
size_t w=256, h=256;
double *data;

rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice(siHandle);
errorToList("pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice", rc)
if (rc!=0) msgToList("Calibration failed! - ToT counts will be instead of energies");

// from 40, to 4040, step 20 keV, mask noisy pixels ON, subpix corr in sum OFF, XRF corr OFF
rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(siHandle, 40, 4040, 20, true, false, false);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);

// measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, proces the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//   pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);

// replay data from file – alternative to pxpSiStartMeasurement
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.t3pa", ""); // tpx3 version
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.clog", ""); // tpx/mpx version
// errorToList("pxpSiReplayData", rc);

// wait for measure complete
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(100);

data = (unsigned*)malloc(w * h * sizeof(double));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }

// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(handle, energyIndex, sumFrame, normalize, zoom, frameData, w, h);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(siHandle, 1, false, false, false, data, &w, &h);
errorToList("pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }

// normalize data and show the image with caption (internal function of the example project)
viewFrame(data, String::Format("GetFrameForEnergy {0} keV", 40 + 1*20)); 

Measuring (replay) and getFrameForEnergyRange

int rc;
size_t w=256, h=256;
double *data;

rc = pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice(siHandle);
errorToList("pxpSiLoadCalibrationFromDevice", rc)
if (rc!=0) msgToList("Calibration failed! - ToT counts will be instead of energies");

// from 40, to 4040, step 20 keV, mask noisy pixels ON, subpix corr in sum OFF, XRF corr OFF
rc = pxpSiSetMeasParams(siHandle, 40, 4040, 20, true, false, false);
errorToList("pxpSiSetMeasParams", rc);

// measure for 100 secs, output file OFF, proces the data ON
rc = pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 100, 100, "", true); // tpx3 version: acq=meas or acq<meas
//   pxpSiStartMeasurement(siHandle, 0.1, 100, "", true); // tpx/mpx version: acq safe time
errorToList("pxpSiStartMeasurement", rc);

// replay data from file alternative
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.t3pa", ""); // tpx3 version
// rc = pxpSiReplayData(siHandle, "testdata.clog", ""); // tpx/mpx version
// errorToList("pxpSiReplayData", rc);

// wait for measure complete
while(pxpSiIsRunning(siHandle)) System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(100);

data = (unsigned*)malloc(w * h * sizeof(double));
if (data==NULL) { msgToList("malloc error!"); return; }

// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(handle, energyIndex, sumFrame, normalize, zoom, frameData, w, h);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy(siHandle, 1, false, false, false, data, &w, &h);

// pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange(handle, From, To, normalize, frameData, width, height);
rc = pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange(siHandle, 100, 120, false, data, &w, &h);
errorToList("pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange", rc);
if (rc<0) { free(data); return; }

// normalize data and show the image with caption (internal function of the example project)
viewFrame(data, String::Format("GetFrameForEnergyRange {0}-{1} keV", 40 + 100*20, 40 + 120*20)); 

Example results (getFrameForEnergyRange to RGB)

241Am from smoke detector, located 3 mm above the chip, MinipixTpx3, CdTe 2 mm, acq. time 45 seconds. Settings used:

pxpSiSetMeasParams(0, 5120, 20, 1, 0, 0) //(from, to, step, maskNP, doSPC, XRF)
  • Each RGB color channel in images was generated from sum of 5 energy ranges (100 keV), using the pxpSiGetFrameForEnergyRange method, log2(val+0.5) applied and normalized to 0-255. Order is blue-green-red.
  • The blue at the first image is gamma byproduct 59.5 keV and noise in the first band. The images with MeV ranges shows a 5.48 MeV alpha particles attenuated in air.
  • Summary frame shows all hits in the set range. It was get using the pxpSiGetFrameForEnergy method with sumFrame=true.
  • A “scrathes” on the picture: SpectraImg is very sensitive to small differences in px sensitivity.
  • The spectrum on last image was get using the pxpSiGetGlobalSpectrum method and processed like as pixels data, include using log2. A gaps on the right are caused by no hits.

The SpectraImg examples results
The SpectraImg examples results
The images collection are from the Python API commandline examples
A different imaging method is used here, where three adjacent energy ranges are converted to RGB image channels.
